Planning Enforcement
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We are currently experiencing a high demand on the Planning Enforcement Service and it is likely that that enforcement investigations will take longer than usual, however we will endeavour to update you as soon as possible on case progressions.
Information on planning enforcement
Our Planning Enforcement team investigates complaints of alleged breaches of planning control to determine if a breach has occurred and what action, if any, is required.
To help us do this we have produced our pdf Local Enforcement Plan (6.98 MB) , which was adopted in 2016.
This sets out the powers available to us to deal with breaches of planning control and at what point we will take action. The Government’s National Planning Policy Framework makes it clear that councils are expected to act proportionately when responding to any breaches.
What is a breach of planning control?
Breaches of planning control include:
- Unauthorised works to listed buildings
- Unauthorised works to trees with a tree preservation order (TPO) or in a Conservation Area
- Breaches of planning conditions
- Failure to comply with a s106 agreement
- Unauthorised development works and changes of use
- Removal of protected hedgerows
- Not building in accordance with the approved plans that form part of a planning permission
- Unauthorised engineering operations, such as creation of earth bunds
What isn’t a breach of planning control?
Issues not considered breaches include:
- Obstruction of a highway or public right of way
- Parking of vehicles on the highway or on grass verges
- Parking caravans on residential driveways
- Land ownership disputes or trespass issues
- Covenants imposed on property Deeds
- Issues relating to noise and disturbance; smell nuisance and light pollution which are investigated by our Environmental Health Team at Worcestershire Regulatory Services. For further information contact
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone 01905 822799. In certain circumstances such issues may be controlled by planning legislation, for example where they are the subject of a condition imposed on a planning permission. - Issues relating to anti-social behaviour (unless in relation to high hedges) are investigated by our Community Services Team and/or West Mercia Police. For further information contact our Community Services Team on 01684 862250 or the Police on 101 (non-emergency) or online at
More information is available in our pdf Local Enforcement Plan (6.98 MB) .
Who can submit a breach of planning control complaint?
Anyone can submit a breach of planning control complaint to be investigated. All Planning Enforcement Complaints received are confidential. If you wish to submit a complaint anonymously please contact your Parish Clerk or Ward Councillor who can contact us on your behalf.
Report a breach of planning control
If you are unable to complete an online planning enforcement complaint form please email
Enforcement tools
When dealing with breaches of planning control, there are a number of tools that can be used to help achieve the right outcome.
Find out more about planning enforcement tools
For more information please contact