NEWS: Welland Neighbourhood Plan adopted by council
Malvern Hills District Council has officially adopted the Welland Neighbourhood Plan which sets out a vision for the area up until 2041.
The plan was unanimously approved at an Extraordinary Council meeting last night (Tuesday, 9 April).
The Welland Neighbourhood Plan seeks to deliver the vision of Welland as a ‘thriving rural village’ and ‘a highly attractive and successful place for people to live, work and play in, retaining its village feeling and combining that with modern facilities’.
To achieve this vision, the neighbourhood plan includes 21 objectives under four key themes covering topics such as housing, community infrastructure, the natural environment, the built environment, the economy, and design.
The vote follows a referendum on 7 March 2024 which resulted in 90.4% voting in favour of Malvern Hills District Council using the Neighbourhood Plan for Welland to assist in the determination of planning applications in the neighbourhood area.
Malvern Hills District Council has a legal duty to approve any neighbourhood plan which is subject to a positive referendum within eight weeks of the result.
The neighbourhood plan preparation has involved several formal consultation stages since the parish council decided to commence with a neighbourhood plan in December 2013.
The Welland Neighbourhood Plan will form part of the statutory development framework for Malvern Hills District and will be used alongside the South Worcestershire Development Plan and other material considerations in the determination of planning applications.
Cllr David Harrison, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Infrastructure, and Flooding at Malvern Hills District Council, said: “I would like to congratulate Little Malvern and Welland Parish Council, the members of the Welland Neighbourhood Planning Working Group, council officers, many public bodies and local residents for the time and dedication to get this plan approved by the local electorate. This will influence any development within the planed area – well done”.
Mick Davies, Chairman of Little Malvern and Welland Parish Council, said: "The plan that has been adopted truly reflects the views of the people of Welland and it will certainly help make a difference to our lives for the next two decades and beyond. This is a special day for the Parish Council and its Neighbourhood Plan working group.
“Our gratitude goes out to all those people, and in particular to residents of the village who participated positively in the long evolution of our Plan and who supported it in the recent referendum. Our thanks also go to Malvern Hills District Council, both for the hard work, sound guidance and encouragement from officers over the years and for the wise decision of members today. You have enabled us to represent our residents in a meaningful and enduring way. Thank you".
Read more about the Welland Neighbourhood Plan.
Date published: 10 April 2024