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Report it

We have provided a number of things that can be reported online from the comfort of your own home whether it be fly-tipping or abandoned vehicles to compliments and complaints.


Change in circumstances

If you already receive Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support and your circumstances change, you must inform us immediately. If you do not tell us within 21 days of the change, you may be at risk of losing your benefits. Find out how to update us, by visiting our webpage:

Change in circumstance page

Council Tax

Let us know if you are moving in or out of a property in Malvern:

Moving house page


Report someone sleeping rough via the StreetLink website:

StreetLink website


Find out how to report empty homes:

Empty homes page


Find out how to report planning enforcement issues:

Planning enforcement page

Refuse Collection 

Refuse and recycle issues

Visit the waste and recycle page for more information on reporting refuse issues:

Waste and recycle page

Environment crime and animals

Dog fouling

Visit the dog fouling page for more information on how to report dog fouling offences that you have witnessed:

Dog fouling page

Dead animal

Report dead animals that you come across on the highway or in a public open space that needs removing:

Report a dead animal


Find out how to report flooding:

Flooding page


Visit the fly-tipping page to find out how to report fly-tipping and littering:

Fly-tipping page

Graffiti and flyposting

Visit the graffiti and flyposting page, to find out how to report unauthorised signage displays or graffiti on the public highway:

graffiti and fly-posting page

Street cleansing

Report any issues with road sweeping and street cleansing:

Report street cleansing

Needle and syringes

Visit the needle and syringe page to find out how to report any discarded needles or syringes (sharps):

Needles and syringe page 


Visit the littering page to find how to report littering issues on public land:

Littering page

Parks and open spaces issues

Report parks and open spaces issues (including Priory Park and play area):

Report parks and open spaces issues

Damaged or missing street sign

Report a damaged or missing street name sign:

Report a damaged or missing street name sign

Untidy front gardens

General enquiries about weeds relating to overgrown or untidy private gardens are usually the responsibility of Planning Enforcement:


Issues with public toilets

Report any complaints with public toilets in your area:

Report public toilets

Travellers on public land

Report travellers on public land:

Report travellers on public land


Report smoke, noise, light, accumulations, dust or odour, insects/flies or bonfires nuisances:

Report nuisances

Parking and Transport

On-street parking

Visit the On Street Car Parking to to complain about on-street parking:

On-street parking page

Car park issues

Report the damage to a car park or lights not working:

Report car park issues

Faulty Pay and Display machines

Report a pay and display machine which you may be experiencing problems with:

Report a faulty pay machine


To report any potholes issues:

Report potholes

Find It

You can find the following information on your property using our property search.

  • Council Tax Band
  • Business Rates
  • Refuse Collection
  • Garden Waste Collection
  • Electoral Details
  • Councillor Information
  • Places of interest near the property
  • Nearest Doctors, Hospital, Dentist or Pharmacy
  • Listed Buildings and Planning Applications

If there is something which you want to report to us and it is not currently present in the links above then please do not hesitate to Contact us.