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NEWS: Malvern Hills District Council announces portfolio roles

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NEWS: Malvern Hills District Council announces portfolio roles

Malvern Hills District Council (MHDC) has announced which councillors will take on the portfolios responsible for environment, economic development, and communities.

Following a meeting on Tuesday (26 November), where Cllr John Gallagher was elected a leader and Cllr Jeremy Owenson as deputy leader, a number of councillors have been chosen to take on the various portfolios.

The new portfolio holders are as follows:

  • Cllr John Gallagher keeps his role as Portfolio Holder for Resources
  • Cllr Douglas Godwin, Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism
  • Cllr David Harrison keeps his role as Portfolio Holder for Planning and Flooding
  • Cllr Jeremy Owenson, Portfolio Holder for Environment
  • Cllr Jennie Watkins, Portfolio Holder for Communities and Housing

Cllr John Gallagher, the newly elected Leader of MHDC, said: “It is an honour and a privilege to be elected as leader of Malvern Hills District Council. I am particularly looking forward to working with all councillors and officers on the council for the benefit of young and old across the Malvern Hills. 

“We will meet the financial challenges ahead whilst working hard to protect and maintain services. The Council will be looking at its priorities to improve delivery of services for our communities, as well as promote inclusive and sustainable growth across the district. I want this to be a partnership, where we focus on and deliver against the needs and priorities of our residents. Unencumbered by party politics, people come before politics”. 

Visit for more information about the current set-up of Malvern Hills District Council. 


Date published: 28 November 2024