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Section 106 Funding for Public Open Space

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Section 106 Funding for Public Open Space

Malvern Hills District Council is responsible for managing and allocating Section 106 contributions for public open space and does so through the Section 106 funding process in order to support improvements within public open space, sport, recreation and community facilities.

If you are a non-profit making organisation and would like information, or wish to apply for Section 106 funding for public open space, please refer to the forms and guidance notes below.

Section 106 Fund Process - Guides and Forms  

Prior to completing and submitting a Section 106 Fund application for public open space, you should:

Contact Community Services to confirm the availability of funding within the locality of your proposed project.

Contact your local Malvern Hills District Council ward members to discuss your project prior to submitting an application.

Section 106 Testimonials

Rachel Webdell from Torridge District Council said:

"I have recently been tasked with reviewing the policy and protocol for the management of S106 funds at Torridge District Council.

"I approached Malvern Hills District Council about the ‘Section 106 Fund Guidance Notes' they produced, having undertaken internet research to identify best practice in this area and to obtain a greater understanding of how other Local Authorities monitor the spend process once funds are received.

"I was impressed by the detail and clarity these notes offer on the grant procedure and therefore enquired to see if Torridge District Council could use the guidance notes produced by Malvern Hills District Council as a basis for our own guidance".


For further information or assistance relating to funding for public open space, please contact the Community Services Team This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.