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There are 31 councillors, each one is elected for a period of four years to represent the residents in part of the district known as a Ward. 

The role of the district councillor

Each elected Member serves on full Council, which determines strategic policy and approves certain matters "reserved" to Council, such as setting the budget and Council Tax.

Councillors also serve on one of two Area Planning Committees, and may also serve on other committees, such as Executive Committee, Overview & Scrutiny or the Licensing and Appeals Committee.

An important part of the councillor's role takes place away from the Council itself and in their ward, where they act as a point of contact between the district council, parish and town councils and residents on a range of community matters. 

Many Councillors are also representatives on outside bodies. View list of outside bodies.

The leader and chairman of the council

No single party or group is currently in control of Malvern Hills District Council. 

At an Annual Council meeting in May 2024, Councillor Tom Wells was re-elected as leader of Malvern Hills District Council and Councillor Natalie McVey was re-elected as deputy leader.

Cllr Daniel Walton was elected as chairman and Cllr John Raine as vice-chairman.

Portfolio Holders

There are six Portfolio Holders with specific responsibilities for different areas of our work. 

Cllr Tom Wells, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Communities, Health and Wellbeing

Responsibilities: Strategic leadership and direction, Lead on emergency planning, Corporate communications and reputation management, Corporate performance and strategy, Lead on community transport and active travel, Community engagement and development including parish councils and young people / schools, Lead on links with the voluntary sector, Leisure strategy and delivery including sports promotion, Health and well being including Ageing Well.

Cllr Natalie McVey, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Poverty Alleviation

Responsibilities: Deputise for the leader as appropriate, strategic housing function, lead on links with registered housing providers, homelessness and rough sleeping, private sector housing, poverty alleviation, community safety, policing and crime matters, Homes for Ukraine and Migration, domestic abuse.

Cllr John Gallagher, Portfolio Holder for Resources

Responsibilities: Business planning, financial strategy, financial planning and budget matters, revenues and benefits, Information and Communications Technology matters, property strategy and asset management, health and safety and risk management, human resources and legal, civil parking enforcement.

Cllr David Harrison, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Flooding and Regulatory Services

Responsibilities:  Neighbourhood planning, Heritage matters, Building Control, Planning Enforcement, Land Charges and Street Naming, Strategic transport and infrastructure, Strategic and urban design policy and initiatives, Land drainage and flooding, Worcestershire Regulatory Services lead member (inc. licensing).

Cllr Beverley Nielsen, Portfolio Holder for Environment

Responsibilities: Delivery of the Destination Zero Plan, promotion of the district as a low carbon economy, biodiversity and the natural environment, environmental campaigns including litter, plastics and energy reduction, waste management, refuse collection and recycling, food waste, street scene services, parks, grounds maintenance.

Cllr Julie Wood, Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning, Economic Development and Tourism

Responsibilities: Strategic planning, SWDPR and JAP lead member, economic growth and prosperity, urban regeneration and town centres revitalisation, rural economy and growth matters, tourism and visitor economy, strategic employment sites, strategic business liaison, skills and apprenticeships, arts and culture.

Member Champions

Our member champions will promote and support various interests of the community.

Acting as a positive focus for the local community, they will make contact with local organisations, familiarise themselves with the needs of the relevant section of the community, act as advocates on their behalf and feedback the decisions of the council. 

  • Armed Forces Member Champion: Cllr Natalie McVey
  • Young People Member Champion: Cllr Francis Victory
  • Heritage Member Champion: Cllr John Raine
  • Rural Member Champion: Cllr Barbara Jones-Williams
  • Poverty Alleviation Member Champion: Cllr John Gallagher