Armed Forces Community Covenant
We are proud to be part of the Armed Forces Community Covenant for Worcestershire, set up to encourage local support for the Armed Forces community.
The Armed Forces Community Covenant encourages support for the Armed Forces Community in Worcestershire, it recognises and remembers the sacrifices made by members of this community.
View Armed Forces Covenant website
Assistance for Armed Forces Community
The Armed Forces Community Covenant encourages support for the Armed Forces Community, and recognises the sacrifices made by those in the Armed Forces.
Armed Forces Covenant provide support and advice for Veterans, Service Leavers, Regulars, Reservists and their families.
Support and advice can be provided on housing, finances, employment, health and benefits.
Armed Forces Charity SSAFA also provide a wealth of information and support. View SSAFA website
pdf Read local support leaflet for veterans (194 KB)
Malvern Hills Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club
The Malvern Hills Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club meet on the third Saturday of every month from 10am at the Foley Arms Hotel (Wetherspoons) on Worcester Road, Malvern. It is an opportunity to meet up with other local veterans face-to-face in a relaxed social environment and have some banter over breakfast.
Tel: Peter 07713075025 or Bill 07880585903
Find them on Facebook by searching for Malvern Hills Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club.
Armed Forces Champion - Councillor Natalie McVey
The aim of this role is to work with the countywide Covenant Working Group, and support the needs of service veterans and families in the district.
Contact Cllr Natalie McVey here for further details.