Health and Wellbeing
We are working together with Worcestershire County Council's Public Health team to improve the health and wellbeing of local residents, to ensure they are healthier, live longer and have a better quality of life.
Stay Connected Pledge – Tackling Loneliness in Worcestershire
Tackling loneliness has always been a priority in Worcestershire and now more than ever, we recognise there are people of all ages who are feeling lonely.
This initiative by Worcestershire County Council Public Health shows residents that as a council we are committed to tackling loneliness and supporting people to stay connected.
By signing up to the pledge, we want to ensure our activities are inclusive, welcoming and provide an opportunity for people to connect with others. As well as this, we will encourage other organisations to do the same.
Read more about the pledge and the organisations signed up so far.
Contact details for further information:
Laura Hart
Advanced Public Health Practitioner
Directorate of People
Worcestershire County Council, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP
Take the Digi-free Dinnertime Challenge
We have launched our Digi-free Dinnertime Challenge to encourage us all to come together with our loved ones at dinnertime, without any digital distractions.
Simply spend one meal-time without your phone, tablet or TV.
After your dinner, let us know how you got on by tagging us in a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram post and using #DigiFree
We are also keen to share your hints and tips for bringing your family together.
Why are we setting the challenge?
As part of the Bigger Picture Survey, we surveyed over 1,200 11-17 year olds in the district about a range of topics including how they like to spend their time and what would improve their lives.
- 49% said that using their phone was their favourite way to spend their time whilst only 20% said that spending time with their family was their favourite way to spend their time.
- 67% said that less stress from school would improve their lives (especially for 15-16 year olds)
- 27% said that being listened to and better supported would improve their lives
Studies show that spending quality time with your family can help young people feel listened to, as well as strengthen relationships and improve wellbeing. We are setting a challenge for you to check in with each other at dinnertime, because dinnertime provides a great opportunity for you to all come together.
Read more about the Bigger Picture Survey and see the results.
Conversation starters
- Ask what the highlight of their day was
- Plan your next adventure together - maybe you will decide to take on the Malvern Hills end to end challenge as a family!
- Ask if they’re doing anything this weekend
- Ask if they have a bucket list
Make meal-times more engaging
- Let your child pick a food theme for one day a week
- Get the whole family involved in making dinner – pizza night anyone?
- Plan an after dinner game
Need some more inspiration? View The Family Dinner Project’s conversation starters and dinner game ideas.