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Youth Chair’s Fund 2021-22

Our Youth Chair’s Fund is £1,000, which is being offered to fund exciting projects in the district designed by the district’s young people. A group of young people can apply for up to £500, to fund short-term projects, celebrations, trips and equipment that will benefit other local young people and their communities in the district. Check your postcode at My Local Area to see if your area is covered by the district.

The fund enables young people to have a say in young people-focused projects that are delivered in the Malvern Hills district.

Projects must complete within one year of the funding being awarded.

Check out the criteria and download an application form on the Young People page.

Volunteering Opportunities 

42% of those surveyed as part of our Bigger Picture Survey, told us they would be prepared to volunteer some time to be involved in local services, with 6% telling us they already do.

We asked what would be most likely to encourage our young people to get more involved and 'more opportunities appropriate to my age group' was one of the most popular responses.

We have also compiled a booklet with a bit more information on some of the opportunities available locally.

pdf Volunteering Opportunities (Updated July 2021) (436 KB)