Tackling climate change
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We have declared a climate emergency. Our Destination Zero report explains how we will contribute to reducing carbon emissions from our own operations. It also sets out how we will use our leadership role, to help individuals, businesses and communities play their part in reducing the district’s overall carbon emissions.
Our vison is to lead Malvern Hills District to become carbon neutral as quickly as possible but by 2050 at the latest and with a minimum 50% reduction in the district’s carbon footprint by 2030. We aim to make our own operations carbon neutral by 2030.
pdf Download the destination zero report (2.34 MB) .
Read text only version of destination zero report
When producing the plan we consulted with residents, community groups, various organisations and parish and town councils. Many of you said you wanted to play your part in helping to tackle climate change but you didn’t know where to start.
This page contains some simple things you can do that will make a difference and support our vision.
Destination Zero Annual Update
The Destination Zero Plan commits to an annual progress review to provide an update against each of the five stated success measures, as well as the latest update on key projects that have been progressed during the year.
The latest report for 2022/23 provides detailed information about the performance against each of the success measures as well as an explanation of the data and its sources.
pdf Download the Destination Annual Update 2022 to 2023 (452 KB)
Malvern Hills Greener Places Award
We have set up a Malvern Hills Greener Places Award to recognise and promote best practice in sustainable development and place making in the district.
Projects could include built development from individual buildings to whole developments, or involve beneficial land management and biodiversity enhancements, or supporting infrastructure such as renewable energy or transport.
We are encouraging applications for any projects that are contributing towards Malvern Hills district being a more sustainable and climate resilient place by taking best practice and innovative action.
Please visit the Malvern Hills Greener Places Award webpage to find out more.
What can I do to tackle climate change?
One of the first things you can do is calculate your carbon footprint. This will give you a good idea of where most emissions are generated in your everyday life. You will find, like most people, you generate the most carbon emissions from the way you heat your home, the way you move around, your diet and the amount of waste you produce.
The World Wildlife Foundation have a simple and easy to use carbon footprint calculator which is a great place to start.
Calculate your carbon footprint
The calculator will tell you how you compared to both the UK and world average and will also give you tips on how you can reduce your footprint. Targeting these areas will make a real difference to your carbon footprint and there are often some very quick and inexpensive things you can do.
The Grantham Institute at Imperial Colleague London drew up a list of the most achievable ways you personally can make a difference on climate change.
9 things you can do about climate change (imperial.ac.uk)
Energy efficiency
You may also like to look at improving the energy efficiency of your home. If you have moved since the 1 August 2007 then your home will have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). It contains your current home energy efficiency rating and suggestions of things you can do to improve it. Find your EPC online.
The Energy Savings Trust provide lots of information on home energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Energy advice for your home - Energy Saving Trust
You can also find out more about energy efficiency, including the grants and support that is available, on your Energy Efficiency webpage.
Waste & Recycling
Let’s Waste Less Worcestershire provide a wealth of information and advice on how you can reduce, reuse and recycle your waste.
Let's Waste Less | Worcestershire County Council
Houses and gardens of all sizes can contribute to improving biodiversity and cumulative make a significant positive impact on the natural environment. The Wildlife Trust provides ideas on the different steps you can take at your own home.
Wildlife gardening | The Wildlife Trusts
What can businesses do?
Businesses are crucial to tackling the climate emergency facing the planet. Support and funding has been made available to support companies to grow by investing in low carbon projects and renewable energy schemes, to cut costs and Co2 emissions.
Visit the Worcestershire Growth Hub to see the latest programmes available to businesses.
Install electric vehicle charging points
Businesses can also get money to help with the cost of installing electric vehicle charging points at their workplace to help support their staff to make the move to an electric vehicle. Read more about the Workcharge Scheme on the Government's website.