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Councillors get paid an allowance. This is not a salary, like other jobs, but recognises the time commitment and various duties involved with being a councillor. 

Councillors with extra responsibilities, such as being Leader of the Council, receive more money. This is known as a Special Responsibility Allowance.

Councillor allowance scheme 2023/23

  2023 / 2024
Basic allowance payable to all councillors per year £5,081
Special Responsibility Allowances (SRA)  
Leader of the Council £15,243
Deputy Leader £8,891.75
Portfolio Holders £7,621.50
Overview and Scrutiny Chairman £7,621.50
Overview and Scrutiny Task and Finish Chairman (pro-rata for review period) £1,270.25
Audit and Standards Committee Chairman £1,270.25
Area Planning Committee Chair £2,540.50
Licensing & Appeals Committee Chair £1,524.30
Chairman of Policy Development Panels (4 year term of office or on completion of work whichever sooner) £1,270.25
Group Leaders (x 3) (reduced by 50% if already receiving another SRA) £1,270.25


Payments made to councillors

Independent Remuneration Panel

The Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) is an independent body, that recommends how much allowance councillors should get paid each year. Councillors then vote on whether to accept, amend or reject the recommendations. 

It also has a role, if requested, to act as Parish Remuneration Panel in setting certain allowances for town and parish councils.