Planning and Conservation Areas
- Search for Applications
- Making a Planning Application
- Heritage and Conservation
- Planning Policy
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Designated Neighbourhood Areas
- Abberley Neighbourhood Plan
- Broadwas and Cotheridge Neighbourhood Plan
- Malvern Town Neighbourhood Plan
- Hanley Castle Parish Neighbourhood Plan
- Clifton upon Teme Neighbourhood Plan
- Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan
- Martley, Knightwick and Doddenham Neighbourhood Plan
- Hallow Neighbourhood Plan
- Leigh & Bransford Neighbourhood Plan
- Welland Neighbourhood Plan
- Planning Policy Monitoring
- Brownfield Land Register
- Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Other Planning Services
- Community Infrastructure Levy
- Planning Obligations (Section 106)
- Street Naming and Numbering
- Local Land Charges
- Planning Appeals
- Planning Committee and Meetings
- Planning Conditions and Fees
- Footpath Diversions (S257)
- Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)
- Local Development Scheme (LDS)
- Planning Weekly List
- Planning History Search
- Planning Enforcement
- South Worcestershire Building Control
Any planning applications submitted within a conservation area will be assessed to ensure they preserve and enhance the significance of the area.
Additional protections, Article 4(2) Directions to remove specific development rights, are a means of managing change to support what is significant to the character of an area. At present there are no Article 4(2) Directions in force in Malvern Hills District Council.
Works likely to require planning permission can include, but are not limited to:
- New or alterations to existing doors and windows
- Change of roof materials
- Removal of boundaries
- Laying of hardstanding
Malvern Hills offer pre-application advice for those who considering development.
Read further guidance on pre-applications and on applications.
The Heritage Team are also consulted on applications within conservation areas or those likely to affect a conservation area.
Relevant policies and guidance
- South Worcestershire Development Plan website
- National Planning Policy Framework on GOV.UK
- Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
- Historic England website – What is a Conservation Area?
- Planning Application Forms including checklists
- Guidance: Accessible Historic Environment
- Article 4 Directions and Permitted Development on Planning Portal website