Making a planning application
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Before you submit your planning application have you read our Planning Advice and Guidance page?
Our pdf planning application guide (1.34 MB) can also help you with the application process.
If you are unable to apply online, please refer to our Planning Application Forms page.
There a number of consent types that are not available through the online system and paper form chooser. Use the following Planning Portal link to find the consent types not available through the online system and paper form chooser.
Planning Application Fees
View Planning Application Fees
A guide to the fees for Planning Applications in England are set by government. The fee due will be calculated for you based on the information you provide in your online application.
If you are not applying online payment can be made by cheque or by telephoning 01684 862221.
National and Local Planning application requirements
The National and Local Requirements provide applicants with clear guidance on the information required to accompany different types of planning applications. They help to ensure that the information they provide is appropriate to the type of application being made.
National validation requirements
Contains compulsory requirements for applications including some matters that are required by law.
Local validation requirements
Contains additional items of information that will be required for certain applications and in certain circumstances.
This is the pdf Local Requirements List (898 KB) and we would also advise to refer to our Planning Policy page and the pdf National Planning Policy Framework (869 KB) (where PPS's have been revoked).
In the following list are the most common requirements that causes a planning application to be incorrect when it is received.
It is important to note the requirements asked to be supplied with a planning application are in line with the central government's advice.
Plans and drawings
A location plan should be based on an up-to-date map and should be edged clearly with a red line. The scale should typically be 1:1250 or 1:2500, but wherever possible the plan should be scaled to fit onto A4 or A3 size paper.
A location plan should identify sufficient roads and/or buildings on land adjoining the application site to ensure that the exact location of the application site is clear.
It should include all land necessary to carry out the proposed development (e.g. and required for access t the site from a public highway, visibility splays, landscaping, car parking and open areas around buildings). Please also ensure that the site location plan submitted shows any Public Rights of Way on or around the application site. The PROW can be marked in any colour other than red or blue.
A blue line should be drawn around any other land owned by the applicant close to or adjoining the application site.
Any other plans or drawings must be drawn to an identified scale e.g. 1:50, 1;100) and, in the case of plans, must show the direction of North as set out in (article 7(1)(c)(ii) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure (England) (Order) 2015.
Design and access statement
In some circumstances, a design and access statement will be required, please see the Design and Access Statements guidance notes for more information.
Householder/Full - Design & Access Statement template
(42 KB)
Outline - Design & Access Statement template
(36 KB)
Statement of significance
In some circumstances where applications affecting 'Heritage Assets' we will require a "Statement of Significance", please see the Statement of Significance page for more information
document Assessment of Significance template (44 KB)
Water management statement
Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) have a responsibility to take account of water - in both flooding and draining matters as material considerations in the determination of planning applications for new developments.
They are also required to consult with the relevant Water Authority, Environment Agency and Highway Authority, each of whom has a responsibility for giving approval to different drainage proposals.
Malvern Hills District Council is therefore adopting an integrated approach to water cycle management that aims to manage all of the components of the water cycle (rainwater, storm water, sewage, ground water, surface water and recycled water) to secure a range of social, economic and environmental benefits. Water Management Advisory Note (to select for residential or General Development or larger). If you require any further help in this area please call our Engineers Team on 01684 862393.
Developer’s Intelligently Green Declaration
Applicants are invited to submit a statement accompanying planning applications which sets out how the proposal will meet the aims of our Intelligently Green carbon reduction plan and demonstrate innovation and/or best practice on issues such as energy efficiency, renewable energy and biodiversity.
pdfRead more about the declaration (56 KB) (opens in a new window)
Submissions are entirely voluntary and the information provided will not be used in the determination of planning applications. However, we will look to promote and publicise best practice schemes that are going above and beyond minimum requirements.
Bio-diversity (Protected Species)
Find out more to assess if you require a protected species survey with your application.