Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)
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Supplementary Planning Documents are produced to provide more detail on the application of policy, either for specific sites or on specific subjects.
SPDs do not have 'development plan' status, but are subject to public consultation and can be used as material considerations in the determination of planning applications.
Older Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) is being replaced by the newer style SPDs.
Adopted SPDs
The below SPD's are available to view here
- Adopted Affordable Housing SPD (October 2016)
- Developer Contributions SPD (Adopted July 2018)
- Water Management and Flooding SPD (Adopted July 2018)
- Renewable and Low Carbon Energy SPD (Adopted July 2018)
- South Worcestershire Design Guide SPD (March 2018)
Retained SPDs
Further information relating to SPDs can be found in the latest Local Development Scheme (LDS).
Other Associated Documents
- pdf Strategic Environmental Assessment (608 KB) (January 2014)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment - pdf Joint Screening Assessment Supplementary Planning Documents Update (April 2017) (481 KB)
Development Plan Documents (DPDs)
Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations DPD
The Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations DPD will set out the updated requirement for the number of sites and pitches to be provided to meet the needs of Travellers and Travelling Showpeople in the area over the coming years. It will then allocate sites or extensions to existing sites to meet this requirement.
The timetable for preparing the Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations DPD is set out in the Local Development Scheme.
Further information can be found on the SWDP website.
What Have We Done So Far?
The SWDP was adopted on 25 February 2016. The SWDP includes Policy SWDP 17 - Travellers and Travelling Showpeople which:
- Sets out the accommodation needs of Travellers and Travelling Showpeople over the period to 2030;
- Outlines criteria to assess the suitability of proposals and planning applications; and
- Indicates how the need for Traveller pitches and Showpeople plots is to be addressed, including the proposal to allocate two new sites on urban extensions (in Policy SWDP 45) and the intention to prepare a Traveller and Travelling Showpeople DPD.
In November 2014 the six Worcestershire Districts published the Worcestershire Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment (GTAA) which identifies the future accommodation needs of Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople across the County.
- pdf Worcestershire Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment (GTAA) Main Report – November 2014 (2.59 MB)
- pdf Worcestershire Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment (GTAA) Executive Summary – November 2014 (653 KB)
In 2015 the South Worcestershire Councils undertook a “call for sites” which provided an opportunity for interested parties to suggest any sites that they considered might be suitable to be allocated for Traveller or Travelling Showpeople use. This included existing sites which might be suitable for expansion or intensification as well as land for new sites. Proposals were invited for permanent residential sites or transit sites. All of the sites submitted were assessed against specific planning criteria to assess their potential suitability.
Information relating to the “call for sites” consultation can be found at the webpage link below:
Following the assessment of sites, the South Worcestershire Councils consider that seven sites may be suitable to deliver additional Traveller pitches in the next five years. These include existing Travellers sites at Hillbee Farm, Upton-upon-Severn; The Orchard, Knowle Hill, Badsey; Blossom Hill, Village Street, Aldington; The Laurels, Kemerton Rd, Bredon; and two locations in Cropthorne, at Seven Acres, Main Road and Evergreen Bank, Main Road. A new site is proposed at Crossway Green, near Stourport, where temporary planning permission is already in place for a Travellers’ site at Shorthill Caravan Park.
To meet the longer term need for pitches, the Development Plan Document includes two possible sites within the Worcester “urban extensions”, due to be built on the southern edge of the city at Broomhall and Norton Barracks and at Temple Laugherne on the western edge of Worcester.
A Draft Preferred Options Consultation (2016) ran from 14 March – 25 April 2016 (Regulation 18).