Abberley Neighbourhood Plan
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At its meeting on 20 July 2021, Malvern Hills District Council "made" (adopted) the Abberley Neighbourhood Plan so that it is part of the statutory Development Plan for Malvern Hills District, sitting alongside the South Worcestershire Development Plan and other material considerations in determining planning applications in the parish of Abberley.
To view the made Abberley Neighbourhood Plan and Decision Statement, please follow the links below:
- pdf Abberley Neighbourhood Plan, Made 20 July 2021 (4.30 MB)
- pdf Abberley Neighbourhood Plan, Decision Statement (113 KB)
Alternatively, hard copies of the above documents can be viewed at the following locations:
- Customer Services, Malvern Hills District Council, Council House, Avenue Road, Malvern, WR14 3AF (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm)
- Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern, WR14 2HU
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9am-5.00pm and Saturday 9am-4pm)
Referendum – 24 June 2021
A Referendum on the Abberley Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 24 June 2021. There was a 30% turn out, with 89% voting in favour of Malvern Hills using the Abberley Neighbourhood Plan to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area.
Please follow the links below to view the documentation relating to the Abberley Neighbourhood Plan Referendum:
- pdf Result of Abberley Neighbourhood Plan Referendum (66 KB)
- pdf Abberley Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum Version (4.30 MB)
- pdf Abberley Neighbourhood Plan - Decision Statement (170 KB)
- pdf Abberley Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Information Statement (252 KB)
- pdf General information on Town and Country Planning including Neighbourhood Planning and the Referendum (79 KB)
Examiner's Report – April 2021
Malvern Hills District Council (with the agreement of Abberley Parish Council) appointed Ann Skippers to examine the Abberley Neighbourhood Plan. The Examiner conducted the examination through consideration of written representations.
The Examiner's Report has now been received and concludes that the Abberley Neighbourhood Plan, subject to the recommended modifications, meets the Basic Conditions and can proceed to referendum. To view the Examiner’s Report, please follow the link below:
Submitted Neighbourhood Plan Consultation
4 December 2020 to 5pm on Friday 22 January 2021
Under Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Abberley Parish Council submitted the Abberley Neighbourhood Plan to Malvern Hills District Council on 19 November 2020.
In accordance with Regulation 16, Malvern Hills District Council undertook a public consultation from Friday 4 December until 5pm on Friday 22 January 2021, during which interested parties were invited to make comments on the draft Abberley Neighbourhood Plan.
The submitted documentation includes:
- the proposed Neighbourhood Plan
- a map identifying the area to which the proposed Neighbourhood Plan relates
- a Consultation Statement explaining who was consulted, and how consultation comments have been addressed
- a Basic Conditions Statement explaining how the proposed Neighbourhood Plan meets the requirements set out in legislation and environmental matters.
To view the submitted Abberley Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents, please follow the links below:
- pdf Abberley Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP), November 2020 (4.45 MB)
- pdf Map of Abberley Neighbourhood Area (571 KB)
- pdf Abberley NDP - Basic Conditions Statement (316 KB)
- pdf Abberley NDP – Consultation Statement (818 KB)
- pdf Abberley NDP – Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Opinion (705 KB)
To view responses to the Regulation 16 consultation, please follow the links below:
- pdf Malvern Hills District Council Officers (215 KB)
- pdf Worcestershire County Council (83 KB)
- pdf Environment Agency (11 KB)
- pdf Historic England (110 KB)
- pdf Natural England (19 KB)
- pdf Coal Authority (64 KB)
- pdf National Grid (64 KB)
- pdf Eden Homes (148 KB)
- pdf Abberley Hall School (133 KB)
- pdf Canal & River Trust (51 KB)
- pdf Herefordshire & Worcestershire CCG (89 KB)
Malvern Hills District Council has collated all the responses and forwarded them on to an independent examiner, who will consider the responses and the Plan documents when assessing whether the Neighbourhood Plan meets the relevant legislation and can therefore proceed to referendum.
Draft Neighbourhood Plan Consultation – 29 June 2020 to 24 August 2020
In accordance with Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Abberley Parish Council consulted upon their draft Neighbourhood Plan from 29 June until 24 August 2020. To view this document, please follow the link below:
Abberley Draft Neighbourhood Plan – June 2020
Neighbourhood Area Application – Approved 28 August 2015
Following an application made by the Parish Council in June 2015, the District Council designated the parish of Abberley as a Neighbourhood Area, under Regulation 7 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 on 28 August 2015.