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Planning Policy Monitoring

South Worcestershire Five Year Housing Land Supply (November 2024)

This report provides a full explanation of the Five Year Housing Land Supply (5YHLS) calculation for the south Worcestershire Councils (SWCs; namely Malvern Hills District Council, Worcester City Council and Wychavon District Council) as required by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). It sets out the housing requirement, delivery to-date and identifies deliverable housing sites for the five year period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2029. The report includes an appropriate in-depth analysis of sites with planning permission and those that are allocations in the adopted South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) to provide additional evidence about deliverability and to ensure that the supply calculation is robust.

Read the reports and accompanying appendices:

Addendum to the South Worcestershire Five Year Housing Land Supply (April 2024)

This addendum has been prepared by the South Worcestershire Councils (SWCs; namely Malvern Hills District Council, Worcester City Council and Wychavon District Council) in light of the amendments to the NPPF on 19 December 2023 and subsequent changes the PPG. Several changes have direct impacts on the SWCs’ 5YHLS. This addendum report will outline these changes in turn and provide an updated housing land supply figure.

pdf Five Year Housing Land Supply Addendum (191 KB)

South Worcestershire Five Year Housing Land Supply (December 2023)

This report provides a full explanation of the Five Year Housing Land Supply (5YHLS) calculation for the south Worcestershire Councils (SWCs; namely Malvern Hills District Council, Worcester City Council and Wychavon District Council) as required by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). It sets out the housing requirement, delivery to-date and identifies deliverable housing sites for the five year period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2028. The report includes an appropriate in-depth analysis of sites with planning permission and those that are allocations in the adopted South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) to provide additional evidence about deliverability and to ensure that the supply calculation is robust.

Read the reports and accompanying appendices:

pdf Appendix 1 - Completions and commitments.pdf (2.20 MB)

pdf Appendix 2 - Developer Questionnaire.pdf (75 KB)

pdf Appendix 3 - Developer Questionnaire responses.pdf (299 KB)

pdf Appendix 4 - Lapse Rates.pdf (148 KB)

pdf Appendix 5 - Windfalls.pdf (149 KB)

pdf Five Year Housing Land Supply Report.pdf (412 KB)

Addendum to the South Worcestershire Five Year Housing Land Supply Report (April 2023)

This addendum has been prepared by the South Worcestershire Councils (SWCs) in light of a number of factors impacting the published Five Year Housing Land Supply Report December 2022 which covers the monitoring year from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022:

South Worcestershire Five Year Housing Land Supply

(December 2022)

This report provides a full explanation of the Five Year Housing Land Supply (5YHLS) calculation for the South Worcestershire Councils as required by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). It sets out the housing requirement, delivery to-date and identifies deliverable housing sites for the next five years to 31 March 2027.

The report includes an appropriate in depth analysis of sites with planning permission and those that are allocations in the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) to provide additional evidence about deliverability and to ensure that the supply calculation is robust.

Read the reports and accompanying appendices:


Please note that sections 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 of the Five Year Housing Land Supply Report 2022 stated 'March 2037', which should have read 'March 2027'.

South Worcestershire Five Year Housing Land Supply Update (29 November 2022)

The South Worcestershire Councils (SWCs) have reviewed their 5 Year Housing Land Supply position for 2022.  In the light of recent appeal decisions, the SWCs are now proposing to adopt an individual district approach for the 5 Year Housing Land Supply calculation.  The result is that Malvern Hills has a 5.06 year supply, Worcester City 3.06 and Wychavon 3.68.  These figures will be used as a material consideration in determining planning applications.

The SWCs will continue to publish a joint calculation for information and monitoring purposes and will seek confirmation of this approach through the South Worcestershire Development Plan Review (SWDPR) which is currently out to consultation.  The joint calculation results in 3.94 years of housing land supply across the whole SWDP area.

The full report and supporting evidence is expected to be published later this year.

Authorities' Monitoring Report

The purpose of Authorities' Monitoring Reports (AMRs), is to report progress on the local plan against the timetable and milestones set out in the Local Development Scheme (LDS), and to assess the extent to which planning policies are being implemented.

The AMR assesses whether policies are achieving their objectives and whether sustainable development is being delivered; if policies have had their intended consequences; whether policy assumptions and objectives behind policies are still relevant; and if targets set in the plan are being achieved.

Housing Land Supply Monitoring

The Housing Land Supply Monitor (previously the Housing Land Availability Monitor), is the principal information source for annual housing land supply updates within Malvern Hills District.

The HLSM contains analysis of the housing land situation as a position statement every April.

The HLSM study examines the trend in housing completions, progress in the provision of affordable housing and the contributions towards the supply of housing on previously developed land.

This report examines Malvern Hills District's supply of available and deliverable housing land, and provides an update on Malvern Hills' five year housing land supply position.

The status of each site is obtained from site surveys carried out by planning officers in the spring of each reporting year.

This report has been produced to take into account the continued work of Malvern Hills District Council, Worcester City Council and Wychavon District Council's joint working role in monitoring the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP), and tracking progress towards meeting the housing requirements of South Worcestershire from 2006 to 2030.

The Housing Land Supply Monitoring Reports and accompanying Policy Position Statements are available to view below. 

Housing Land Supply Report 2021

This report provides a full explanation of the Five Year Housing Land Supply (5YHLS) calculation for the South Worcestershire Councils as required by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). It sets out the housing requirement, delivery to-date and identifies deliverable housing sites for the next five years to 31 March 2026. The report includes an appropriate in depth analysis of sites with planning permission and those that are allocations in the South Worcestershire Development Plan(SWDP) to provide additional evidence about deliverability and to ensure that the supply calculation is robust.

Read the reports and accompanying appendices:

pdf Five Year Housing Land Supply Report 2021 (444 KB)

pdf Appendix 1: Completions (206 KB)

pdf Appendix 2: Commitments (495 KB)

pdf Appendix 3: Large Sites Officer Commentary (646 KB)

pdf Appendix 4: Deliverability Questionnaire (88 KB)

pdf Appendix 5: Deliverability Questionnaire Responses (536 KB)

pdf Appendix 6: Lapse Rate (117 KB)

pdf Appendix 7: Windfalls (15 KB)