Local Development Scheme (LDS)
- Search for Applications
- Making a Planning Application
- Heritage and Conservation
- The Historic Environment
- The Natural Environment
- Conservation Area Appraisals
- Supplementary Planning Document - Local Listed Buildings
- Archaeological Fees
- Planning Policy
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Designated Neighbourhood Areas
- Abberley Neighbourhood Plan
- Broadwas and Cotheridge Neighbourhood Plan
- Malvern Town Neighbourhood Plan
- Hanley Castle Parish Neighbourhood Plan
- Clifton upon Teme Neighbourhood Plan
- Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan
- Martley, Knightwick and Doddenham Neighbourhood Plan
- Hallow Neighbourhood Plan
- Leigh & Bransford Neighbourhood Plan
- Welland Neighbourhood Plan
- Planning Policy Monitoring
- Brownfield Land Register
- Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Other Planning Services
- Community Infrastructure Levy
- Planning Obligations (Section 106)
- Street Naming and Numbering
- Local Land Charges
- Planning Appeals
- Planning Committee and Meetings
- Planning Conditions and Fees
- Footpath Diversions (S257)
- Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)
- Local Development Scheme (LDS)
- Planning Weekly List
- Planning History Search
- Planning Enforcement
- South Worcestershire Building Control
The Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out the timetable for the documents that Malvern Hills District Council will be producing, as part of its Planning Policy Framework.
It provides a starting point for you to see what documentation will be produced and at what stage you can become involved in the process.
The LDS is a three-year rolling project management plan for the production of the Local Plan and key supporting documents.
Local Development Scheme 2021 to 2024
The latest Local Development Scheme (2021-2024) came into effect on 1 October 2021.
The LDS has been prepared in conjunction with Worcester City and Wychavon District Councils, as many of the proposed documents contained within it are to be jointly prepared. However, each Local Authority has produced a separate LDS to reflect the differences in documentation that will be produced for each area.
The LDS explains that Malvern Hills District Council is working jointly with Worcester City and Wychavon District Councils on the South Worcestershire Development Plan Review, which will guide development in the area up to 2030).
The Project Plan Chart (timetable) can be found in the LDS 2021 below under 'Appendix A'. The Project Plan shows the key document production milestones.