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Planning conditions and fees

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The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications and Deemed Applications)
(Amendment) (England) Regulations 2008

On 6th April 2008, new procedures came into force nationally for applications to discharge planning conditions following planning permission or applications for confirmation that conditions have been complied with. Full details can be seen in the Statutory Instrument 958 issued by the Government on 2nd April 2008.

When planning permission is granted it is often granted with conditions and they are set out on the decision notice. Some of these conditions require further details before work can start on site.

Examples might include:

  • giving details of drainage
  • details of external facing materials
  • work to improve the highway access are carried out before work starts.

If work starts without compliance with the terms of the conditions being met, the planning permission may become invalid.

The application for approval of details reserved by condition should be completed and this form can be found by following the links below:

From 6th December 2023 the fees have increased to £145 per application, (or £43 for conditions on ‘householder’ applications).

This fee must be paid at the same time as the application is received.

Please note that when all conditions can be discharged at once there will only be one fee. If they are discharged separately there will be a fee each time.

The Council will aim to deal with straight forward applications within 21 days and all applications before the time limit of 8 weeks. If an answer is not given within 12 weeks, the fee will be refunded.

There is no fee for third parties (ie Solicitors or prospective purchasers) wishing to confirm whether or not conditions have been discharged.

Wychavon Planning Services now operate a risk based proactive approach to ensure compliance with planning permissions and other consents. For more information please read our pdf Local Enforcement Plan (6.98 MB) .

For more information, contact:

Planning Services
Malvern Hills District Council
The Council
The Avenue
WR14 3AF
Telephone: 01684 862221 - between 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.